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Secret Service

White House Security Breach -WHO DIDN’T LET THE DOGS OUT!]

RISK Alert Alert  #590 – White House Security BREACHED

UPDATED Dateline:   Sept 23, 2014


In Federal court, prosecutors said the Gonzalez car contained 500 rounds of ammo,
guns, assault rifles, a hatchet and a machete!  

AND HE HAD BEEN ARRESTED TWICE BEFORE, including in August 2014, carrying a
hatchet on the White House Lawn.   And  on July 19, after being spotted driving recklessly
in a gray Ford Bronco, Gonzalez was charged in Wythe County, Virginia, with evading arrest
and possession of a weapon after he was found in possession of 11 weapons, including a
sawed-off shotgun, assault rifles and knives, and map — with the White House circled!

The Nation Was Shocked on Sept. 19 when an intruder not only jumped the fence,
but was ABLE TO ENTER THE FRONT DOOR of the White House.  Controls that should
have been in place were apparently not ready for an actual security incident.

When even elementary schools have access control and card key systems, it is really hard
to believe that there is NO CARD KEY SYSTEM for the White House. 

SECURITY IS A PROCESS, and that’s why Security Plan, Security Policies, and Security

Procedures are in place for every U.S. Federal Building.  Obviously, at the White House, the
process is broken, or agents are willfully ignoring the security controls which should be in place
100% of the time.  Every government building should have strong access control systems in place.


The intruder, Omar Gonzalez did the unthinkable, according to the
Washington Post.  They reported that the 42-year-old ex-veteran from
Texas climbed over the north fence line along Pennsylvania Avenue,
toward the eastern side of the house’s circular driveway. His breach
set off the standard security alarm across the compound. Officers
rushed to the North Lawn but were unable to reach him on foot as
he ran, arms pumping, threading the needle between the fountain
and a security guard booth and ignoring their commands that he stop.
Gonzalez actually entered the White House because the door was UNLOCKED!

hat We Learned: 

Security Procedures and Policies MUST BE FOLLOWED 100% of the Time
for Security to be Effective.  In this incident, the major problems included:

  1.  Front Doors MUST BE LOCKED to keep intruders out.
  2.  Canine that was on the job should have been released.
  3.  Active Monitoring of cameras was not effective.  Was the intruder missed?
  4. The perimeter fence is obviously not up to the job.  In fact, a 2nd jumper
    breached the fence again on the same day,RISKAlertis a publication of Risk & Security LLC

                                      RISKAlertis a publication of Risk & Security LLC


